조형용. 오징어 염지공정에서 물질전달의 수학적 모델링. 산업식품공학, 24(4), pp.251-260 (2020.10)
Hyung-Yong Cho. Effects of Hydrolyzed Animal Protein on the Enhancement of Saltiness and Quality Characteristics of White Pan Bread. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 12(11), pp.1832-1841 (2019.08)
조형용. 스팀-에어 레토르트의 온도분포에 미치는 공정 변수 영향. 산업식품공학, 23(2), pp. 87~93 (2019.03).
조형용. 돼지고기 등심의 염지공정에서 소금농도의 영향 : 물질전달 등역학을 중심으로. 산업식품공학, 23(1), pp. 7~15 (2018.11).
Hyung-Yong Cho, Byeongsoo Kim, Ji-Yeon Chun, Mi-Jung Choi. Powder Technology 277 (2015) 141–146, Effect of spray-drying process on physical properties of sodium chloride/maltodextrin complexes
Ye-Won In, Hyo-Seon Yun, Eun Bang, Hwa-Jin Lee, Mi-Yeon Lee1, and Hyung-Yong Cho. Food Eng. Prog. V20(2) pp. 89~97 (2016.05), Selection of Commercial Proteolytic Enzymes for the Preparation of Anchovy Protein Hydrolysates Under Pressurization
Kwang-Il Kim, Yeon-Ji Jo, Soojin Kim, Jae-Hee Seo, Sang-Gi Min, Hyung-Yong Cho, Jung-Kue Shin, and Mi-Jung Choi, Food Eng. Prog. Vol. 19, No. 4. pp. 369~376 (2015.11), Effect of Liposome Coated Hemicellulase on Softening of a Carrot
Jiseon Lee, Mi-Yeon Lee, Hyung-Yong Cho, and Mi-Jung Choi, Food Eng. Prog. Vol. 20, No. 2. pp. 98~104 (2016.05), Effect of Liposome-Coated Salt on Salty Taste Intensity of Noodle
Jiseon Lee, Hyung-Yong Cho, Mi-Yeon Lee, Eun-Young Ko, Jung-Kue Shin, and Mi-Jung Choi, Food Eng. Prog. Vol. 20, No. 1. pp. 59~66 (2016.02), Effect of Hydrolyzed Anchovy Products on Salty Taste of Dried Noodle
So Jung Youn, Jinseon Kim, Hyung-Yong Cho, and Jung-Kue Shin, Food Eng. Prog. Vol. 20, No. 2. pp. 1~8 (2016.05), Sensory Characteristics of Enzymatically Hydrolyzed Anchovy Protein by Descriptive Analysis
Hyo-Seon Yun, Han-Sul Park, Mi-Yeon Lee, Jung-Kue Shin, and Hyung-Yong Cho, Food Eng. Prog. Vol. 19, No. 2. pp. 139~147 (2015.05), A Feasibility Study on Producing Salt Taste Enhancer in the Commercial Fermented Fish and Soy Sauces
Yun Hee Hwang, Hyung-Yong Cho, Ko-Rae Kim, Seok Hoon Lee, Mi-Jung Choi, and Jung-Kue Shin, KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL. Vol. 47, No. 6, pp. 772~778 (2015), Hydrolysis of Isolate Soybean Protein Using Subcritical Water
Han-Sul Park, Hyung-Yong Cho, and Jung-Kue Shin, Food Eng. Prog. Vol. 19, No. 2. pp. 167~171 (2015.05), Sodium Reduction in Salad Dressing Using Fermented Soy Sauce
Han-Sul Park, Hyung-Yong Cho, and Jung-Kue Shin, KOREAN J. FOOD SCI. TECHNOL. Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 468~473 (2015), A Study of Sodium Reduction Effect in Foods Using Fermented Soy Sauce
Eun Bang, Hwa-Jin Lee, Soo Jung Kim, and Hyung-Yong Cho, Food Eng. Prog. Vol. 19, No. 4. pp. 329~337 (2015.11), Quality Characteristic of High Pressure Processed Fruits and Vegetables Juices for Infants and Preschoolers
Munkhtugs Davaatseren, Ji-yeon Chun, Hyung-Yong Cho, Sang-Gi Min, and Mi-Jung Choi. Korean J. Food Sci. An. 34(4), 1~7(2014). Effects of Partial Substitutions of NaCl, CaSO4 and MgSO4 on the Quality and Properties of Pork Patties
Ji-Yeon Chun, Byong-Soo Kim, Jung-Gyu Lee, Hyung-Yong Cho, Sang-Gi Min, and Mi-Jung Choi, Korean J, Food Sci. An. 34(4) (2014) Effects of NaCl Replacement with Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid(GABA) on the Quality Characteristics and Sensorial Properties of Model Meat Products
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조형용 외 7인 Quality Changes of Vegetables by Different Cooking Methods. Korean Journal of Culinary Research 18(1) 40~53(2012)
Hye Kyung Kim, Kang-Hyun Leem, Sena Lee, Byung-Yong Kim, Young Tae Hahm, Hyung-Yong Cho, and Jeung Yun Lee. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 21(1); 175-181(2012) Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure on Immunomodulatory Activity Cloudy Apple Juice
조형용 외 3인. 초고압을 애용한 반고형 사과 이유식 개발 및 품질평가. Korean J. Food & Nutri, 24(3):, 2011
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Eun-Kyung Cho, Hyung-Yong Cho, Byeong-Cheol Kim, Hae-Hun Shin, Seok-Cheol Cho, Moo-Chang Kook and Yu-Ryang Pyun. Development of Pretreatment and Mixed Culture Processes for Plant Originated Lactic Acid to Produce a Functional Lactic acid Beverage. Korean J. Food & Nutri, 24(1):117-123, 2011
Hae-Hun Shin, Min-Jeong Kang, Hyung-Yong Cho, Byeong-Cheol Kim, Eun-Kyung Cho. Optimazation of Extraction Conditions for Houttuynia cordara Thumb and Saururus chinensis Baill Mixture by Response Surface Methodology. Food Engineering Progress, 12(4):247-255, 2008
Hyung-Yong Cho, Jung-Kue Shin, Young-Ae Song, Seon-Joo Yoon, Joong-Man Kim and Yu-Ryang Pyun. Nonthermal Pasteurization of Lactic acid bacteria by High Intensity Light Pulse. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol., 34(4):631-636, 2002
Hyung-Yong Cho 외 3인. Pasteurization of Milk by Pulsed Electric Fields in a continuous System. Developments in food engineering: proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Engineering and Food, 2001
Hyung-Yong Cho 외 4인. Ohmic Heating and Moderate Electric Field(MEF) Processing. Developments in food engineering: proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Engineering and Food, 2001
Hyung-Yong Cho 외 9인. Pasteurization of Milk by Pulsed Electric Fields in a continuous System. Developments in food engineering: proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Engineering and Food, 2001
Hyung-Yong Cho, A.E.Yousef, and S.K.Sastry. Kinetics of inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores by continuous or intermittent ohmic and conventional heating. Biotechnolo Bioeng. 62(3):368-372, 1999
Hyung-Yong Cho. Effects of Electrical Treatment on Growth Kinetics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Food Engineering Progress, 2(3):171-177, 1998
Hyung-Yong Cho 외 4인. Effects of Pulsed Electric Field treatment on Germination of Bacillus subtilis. Developments in food engineering: proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Engineering and Food, 1997
Hyung-Yong Cho, A. E. Yousef and S.-T. Yang. Continuous production of pediocin by immobilized Pediococcus acidilactici PO2 in a packed-bed bioreactor. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 45(5):589-594, 1996
Hyung-Yong Cho, A. E. Yousef and S.K. Sastry. Growth kinetics of Lactobacillus acidophilus under ohmic heating. Biotechnol Bioeng. 49(3):334-340, 1996
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Hyung-Yong Cho, Seok-In Hong, Young-Sook Kim and Yu-Ryang Pyun. Prediction of Sucrose Hydrolysis Rate using Euqivalent Time at a Reference Temperature under Regular Temperature Fluctuations. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol., 25(6):643-648, 1993
Hyung-Yong Cho, Yun-Joong Kwon, In-Kyu Kim and Yu-Ryang Pyun. Estimation of Kinetic Parameters of Nonenzymatic Browning Reaction Using Equivalent Time at a Reference Temperature with Linearly Increasing Temperature Profile. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol., 25(2):178-184, 1993
Hyung-Yong Cho, Ju-Bong Kim and Yu-Ryang Pyun. Diffusion of Sodium Chloride in Chinese Cabbage during Salting. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol., 20(5):711-717, 1988
Hyung-Yong Cho, Shin-Young Lee, Ryung Yang and Yu-Ryang Pyun. Structural Properties of Rice Starch and Its Components. Korean J. Food Sci. Technol., 19(4):371-376, 1987